Friday, January 6, 2017

Eat a Bowl of Tea

After watching the film, It made me think about the different lifestyles the Chinese were living in the east compared to those that were living in the west. Of course they were still treated as outsiders and rarely were given the respect the deserved but comparing both lifestyles was very interesting. Also relating it to Takaki and how those Chinese go through similar struggles as the characters in the film, like not having a wife and family and the hardship it took to even live a stable lifestyle. I found it interesting how his son was allowed to go to China and bring home a wife, but because he served in WWII he we grated the opportunity that his father was denied years before hand. It was hard to listen to his mother speak about not seeing his father for over 20 years. The Chinese exclusion act not only messed with the man who reached America but also the family he had to leave behind.

Another thing I got from this film was how the jobs the men had during this film some what related to those in Takaki. Men worked hard physically, it could of been laundry matt to being a barber, there was not much opportunity for them to climb up the economic latter. This reminded me of a CRT tenant and it was CRT considers interest convergence or material determinism, meaning that these other large corporations are feeding off the Chinese by giving them low paying jobs, or in other words cheap labor. As well as every group has a unique story to tell, and we see this from the different interpretations in the film and Takaki.

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