Friday, January 13, 2017

Blog 6: Family History

After talking with some of my family I didn't find out a clear story of my families immigration to the US. I decided to look more in depth on the immigration and migration from my Moms side of the family since there wasn't that much of my families history on my Dads side that I found out. But from what I was told it was roughly 5 or 6 generations back when my family immigrated to the US. Almost all of my family now days lives throughout California with my moms side, where on my Dads side a lot of his family now lives in Colorado. 

There wasn't any story of the exact immigration into the US. But what I found out was on my Grandmas side was that her dads family came from Scotland and her Moms side came from Iceland. From what I was told once immigrating to the US they settled in Utah. Which was where her side of the family has lived for a few generations. Then for my Grandpas side his family on his dads side immigrated from Germany and his moms family immigrated from France. Then after immigrating to the US, it looked that they settled in Northern California in the Santa Rosa area for at least two and maybe three generations. After my grandparents got married they moved a lot around the US and around the world due to my grandpas work. But they eventually settled in Monterey California. Then my mom settled in Aptos, California, and her two sisters settled in Santa Rosa, California and Redwood City, California. 

From my Dads side of the family I wasn't able to find out much of the family history. But I know that my Dads parents and maybe one or two more generations back have lived in Northern California. Now my Dads parents moved up to Crescent City. After my parents got married, they settled down in Aptos which is where I was born and raised my whole life. My mom still lives in Aptos today, where as my dad now lives over in Fremont, California. 

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