Monday, January 23, 2017

Extra Credit Blog on the Film : The Namesake

In the movie Namesake, you get to travel in the life of a South Asian American. The movie reminded me of the movie Picture Bride, because it starts out with an arranged marriage of a couple that has never met before. One thing these two movies also share in common is that the "wife" cheats on the husband. The son Gogel, also showed signs of Americanization. This was seen when he was in India for the first time as was not to familiar with his own culture so, he went on a jog. Also in America you see him try to disconnect himself from his South Asian culture by trying to change his name and trying to marry a white women instead of someone from his culture.

One thing from Takaki that you could relate this film to would be the part where it talks about why the South Asians came to America on page 63, "British government instituted change"(Takaki 63). This relates in a different way because the father had a different reason to leave and travel to America. His was a deadly accident, where as the British effected the lives of whoever was around them during that point of time. This film was one of the more interesting films we have seen and i liked how it played the full life of the father and the Gogel following his footsteps.

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